Saturday, October 17, 2009

Family Vacation

We took a wonderful trip out to Lincoln City this past August and rented a house on Devil's Lake for a week. The weather was awesome for most of the time which granted us some good beach fun. The lake is quite large and I highly recommend renting a house there during the summer. You can fish, swim and rent boats for fairly cheap. We even went swimming in the ocean! Other activities included my constant battle with a fishing rod, Jacob progressing to walking full time, going bowling, visiting the aquarium at Newport. Here are a few images with more at Flickr.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

More Summer Fun

The Godmother of our two boys, Sarah, invited us to a Pow Wow that was being held at Beaverton Highschool back in June. I was sick that day but was able to pull it together and ride down with the family. It was a lot of fun and I recommend attending one if you can. I mostly used my 50mm F1.8 but also used my 100-300mm F5.6L and was getting some suprising results. ISO ranged from 1600 to 3200. Here are a few shots with more on Flickr.

Berries Abound

Our first trip to Smith Berry Barn yielded some nice results. We picked several pounds of raspberries of various types and purchased some pre-picked blackberries. I think Jackson ate more of the berries he picked than what he put in the buckets. Jacob was attached to my back the whole time so that is why he is not in any of these pictures. There are a few more on Flickr.

Friday, October 2, 2009

4th of July 2009

Our family had a good time this year at the fireworks display in Banks, Oregon. Before the show there was a Life Flight heilicopter that had to make two trips and the kids got to see it take off and land. I took traditional shots of fireworks but had the idea to move the camera around during the long exposures and got some interesting results. Hope you like them!

You can find a few more on my Flickr page.