Thursday, April 30, 2009


This post is for Jacob, my second son. Jacob is cool. His personality is so different than his brother's it's almost like night and day. This shot was taken around his 6 month birthday. I tried to recreate the same backdrop setup that Stephanie put together when we did Jackson's 6 months pictures so we would be able to compare the two. The background is some type of microfiber cloth draped over our couch and on to the floor. Then there was this frilly netting stuff which I am sure there is a more accurate description for that was on the floor that Jacob was rolling around in. The picture has been edited just a bit by adjusting the brightness and contrast.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


My first born is Jackson Davis. He is really cool. He was born early Feb 2007 and the fun hasn't stopped. Here are a few pictures I grabbed of him while he was eating some fruit cocktail at our house earlier this year. Shots were taken with available light and are unedited.




My first post on the new blog. I am branching out into the world of digital photographers with a Canon 40D and a few accessories that I have been able to collect along the way. My business name is of course Jermin Photography and I am still building my portfolio. I will be using this blog as a means to do just that. I mainly post to Flikr but will be sharing a select few here with information regarding the events around the shots.

To kick things off, here is a shot of my eldest son Jackson when we were at his Godparent's house one evening. Jackson loves to dance, pretend to play along to music with his guitar, and he also loves to pretend to sing. He will turn any object into a microphone at any moment if he so chooses. What's really funny is that he doesn't make any noise when he pretends to sing so the expressions alone are what make the event memorable. This picture is undedited and was taken using available light.
